Robert Ames

Media Maker


Birthdate of Robert Ames
Deathdate of Robert Ames

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IMDB Person Robert Ames
IMDB Person Page


Role Actor Robert Ames
William Holliday Jr. in What Women Want
Hayes Hallan in The Wedding Song
John Orme, M.P. in Without Mercy
John Knight in The Crown of Lies
Frank Bennett in Three Faces East
Darcy in Black Waters
Soapy in Marianne
Bert Wills in Nix on Dames
Noel Nevins in Rich People
Jack Merrick in The Trespasser
Bobby Doyle in The Voice of the City
David Harvey in Double Cross Roads
Johnny Case in Holiday
Buck in A Lady to Love
Morton in Madonna of the Streets
Charlie Jones in Not Damaged
Robin in War Nurse
James Duneen in Behind Office Doors
Tommy Rock in Millie
Bill Truesdale in Rebound
Joe Warren in Rich Man's Folly
Donald 'Don' in Smart Woman
Philip 'Phil' Wilson in Three Who Loved
Gail Redman in Tomorrow and Tomorrow
'Donnie' Gibson in Smart Woman


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