Jeff Conaway

Media Maker


Birthdate of Jeff Conaway
Deathdate of Jeff Conaway

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IMDB Person Jeff Conaway
IMDB Person Page

Movie Maker

Director Jeff Conaway
Director of


Role Actor Jeff Conaway
Kenickie in Grease
T.C. Sloane in Covergirl
Mitchell in The Patriot
Cowboy in The Banker
Bud Sorenson in The Sleeping Car
Jeffrey Blair in Mirror Images
Frank in A Time to Die
Peter Keynes in Total Exposure
Tony in Sunset Strip
Rinaldi in It's Showtime
Reverend in 2002: The Rape of Eden
Peter Dunn in Dumb Luck in Vegas
Agent Owen Sacker in Do You Wanna Know a Secret?
Gavin Elliot in The Biz
Tom Edwards in Eye of the Storm
Franklin Conner in Wrestling
Gabriel Levine in Pan Dulce
Sheriff Dan Patterson in The Utah Murder Project
Leo in From Behind the Sunflower
Daniel in The Russian Godfather
Circles Introduction (English) in Dante's Hell
Terraces Introduction in Dante's Purgatory
Agent Frank Gun in The Pool 2


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